Rainbow Capital
Superior Risk-Adjusted Returns

Rainbow Capital GmbH is a Swiss-based holding company located in Cham, in the canton of Zug. Established and owned by Thomas Werth, the company was created to manage, grow, and safeguard the assets of the Werth family. Rainbow Capital's portfolio is diversified, including equity in companies under the CFS Group, as well as investments in real estate ventures and financial markets.
Our Investments
Rainbow Capital holds stakes in the CFS Group of companies. They provide IT consulting services for Cross Asset Trading & Risk to banks and hedge funds.
- Werth IT GmbH, Cham, Switzerland (100%)
- CFS - Consulting for Financial Services GmbH, Munich, Germany (49%)
- CFS - Consulting for Financial Services GmbH, St. Andrae, Austria (25.1%)Rainbow Capital holds 100% of Sunshine Rainbow Day Estate S.R.L. in Santa Cruz, Costa Rica, focusing on real estate income.Rainbow Capital invests globally in equities, fixed income, commodities, and cryptocurrencies.

Our Focus
As a holding company, Rainbow Capital does not engage in operational activities. It focuses on managing an investment portfolio to generate a reliable stream of dividends.
Claudio Roniger, a seasoned financial consultant, serves as the CEO of Rainbow Capital. Under his leadership, the company is strategically positioned for growth and remains committed to delivering superior, risk-adjusted returns.

Get in Touch
If you believe your business or initiative could benefit from a partnership with Rainbow Capital, we welcome you to reach out to us at:
[email protected]
tel: +41 445 851 208
Rainbow Capital GmbH
Alte Steinhauserstrasse 21, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
trade register: CH-, tax ID: CHE-477.162.355.